Thursday, July 3, 2008

originally posted on myspace 7/3/2007

Joy is my assistant. A ultra-conservative-man-is-head-of-the-household-all-non-christians-will-go-to-hell-Christian. I love her truly and see is not scared to challenge my viewpoint. I like that and she is highly respected by me for that.

Today she said to me, "Jen, you're the only person I know who teaches Bible classes and feels ok using the word fuck on occasion."

While I'm not proud of the fact I use the word (or a lot of the words that come out of my mouth... usually when talking to truckers it seems), I don't go around feeling holier-than-thou because I teach a Disciple class. I find religious humor funny.... if we can't laugh at ourselves.... then we need to lighten up.

I figure God knows where my heart is and if I want to tattoo myself, have multiple piercings, and shout HOT DAMN! when excited about something.... it STILL doesn't change where my heart is.