Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dolphus Weary and notes in the margin.

My little one and I went today to listen to a speaker at church, Dr Dolphus Weary. Google him for his biography, that's not what I want to spend space on.

He spoke briefly about his book, I Ain't Comin Back and spoke a lot about race within the Christian community. If you read my blog at all, you know I've lost my Jesus, so I find speakers who talk about "Christian community" fascinating. Throw in my personal interest of urban plights and I am one captivated audience member. I could have listened to him for another 90 minutes.

On his biographical information sheet, I wrote in the margins... Not every note will become a blog entry, but most will ;) Here we go in order my notes:
  • Racism no more in the body of Christ
  • How is God preparing us for this?
  • How do you arrive at your own answers?
  • Where does compassion lead us?
  • How do we bring God here now?
  • Where are you running to? Where are you running from?
  • We allow other things to get in the way of dealing with racism (the elephant)
  • What positive influence to I give to my family?
  • More to do with exposure than intelligence
  • The gospel must break across historical barriers
  • The problem with poor communicities is they aren't exposed to people who open up their world
  • We don't have relationships. Relationships take time
  • Be willing to be a learner
  • Help me understand your lens.
  • Planning. working. dreaming.
  • people are quick work, but slow to build relationship
Out of context to someone who didn't hear his talk today, these things might seem odd and random. But each one elicits a strong emotion from me. Each one screams at me based on things I want to accomplish in my life, and things I've done.

Our vision, whether it's at COR or in another capacity, should be to reconcile and walk together.